La Celestina

La Celestina

La Celestina is a 25 minute site-specific opera installation commissioned by the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art and created in collaboration with Erratica and Chicago-based puppetry company Manual Cinema. It takes its inspiration from the 1499 Fernando de Rojas novel of the same name, and was installed in the Metropolitan Museum’s patio from the castle at VĂ©lez Blanco, itself dating from the early sixteenth century.

To create the music I interwove Spanish music of the period with my own original work. James Halliday was musical director, he and Victoria Couper also contributing beautiful arrangments of some of the period music, and Seamus Fogarty was behind the incredible 12 channel sound design.

For more details and behind the scenes footage please follow this link, and to see the original programme, including synopsis and writer/director’s notes, please click here.

Here is the full archival video of La Celestina: